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Exploring Your Access Control Credential Options

August 30, 2024

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In today's modern security landscape, you have multiple options when it comes to implementing access control systems for your business. An essential component of each system is credentialing. Let’s explore three primary credential options: physical credentials, mobile credentials, and a hybrid approach combining both. Every business is unique, with varying needs and preferences. Therefore, the best solution for you depends on factors such as your existing security systems, nature of your operations, security requirements, and your budget. By understanding the strengths of each approach, you can choose the credential system that aligns with your specific business needs and enhances overall security and convenience.

1. Physical Credentials 

Physical credentials have been the traditional choice for access control systems for many years.

These typically include:
  • Key cards
  • Fobs
  • ID badges

Advantages of physical credentials:

  • Familiar technology for most users
  • No reliance on smartphones 
  • Photo identification 
  • Can be lost, stolen, or forgotten
  • Replacement costs can add up over time 
  • Limited ability to update access rights remotely
  • Single-purpose use - typically limited to access control

This approach is ideal for businesses with a workforce that includes many employees who don't have smartphones. Since mobile Wallet credentials depend on smartphone access, physical cards are the most practical solution in this scenario.

2. Mobile Wallet Credentials Only

Mobile wallet credentials like the Wavelynx Wallet Solution leverage the users mobile device as the primary means of access control. Users can gain entry using their phone or wearable through Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.

Advantages of mobile wallet credentials:
  • Convenience - most people always carry their smartphones
  • Enhanced security through encryption and biometric authentication
  • Easy to update access rights remotely
  • Reduced costs associated with physical credential management (more on that here)
  • May require additional infrastructure & hardware upgrades
  • Not all users may have compatible smartphones
  • New technology - not all users are comfortable with or trust their smartphones

This approach works well for businesses with a tech-savvy workforce, where nearly everyone has a smartphone. For instance, in a modern office environment where employees frequently use their phones for work-related tasks, mobile wallet credentials are the most convenient and efficient option. They eliminate the need for carrying physical cards, streamline access control, and integrate seamlessly with the technology employees are already using.

3. Hybrid Approach: Physical and Mobile Credentials

A hybrid approach combines both physical and mobile credentials, offering flexibility and catering to diverse user preferences.

Advantages of a hybrid system:
  • Flexibility to accommodate various user needs and preferences
  • Smoother transition from traditional systems to mobile-based access
  • Potentially higher implementation and management costs
  • More complex system to maintain and troubleshoot
  • May require additional staff training to manage both credential types

A hybrid approach is particularly effective for a multi-tenant office building. For instance, some tenants might prefer using mobile Wallet credentials for easy and modern access to their offices and common areas. Meanwhile, other tenants or visitors might use physical cards for access to shared amenities like conference rooms and building entrances. This system ensures that both high-tech and traditional users have a seamless and secure way to access the building, enhancing overall convenience and security.

Choosing the right credential option for your business depends on various factors including organizational needs, user preferences, and existing infrastructure. While physical credentials offer familiarity, mobile credentials provide enhanced convenience and security. A hybrid approach can offer the best of both worlds but may come with additional complexity. Carefully consider your organization's specific requirements when selecting the most appropriate credential option for your access control system. 

We are happy to discuss your specific situation and answer any questions you may have. Contact us to start the conversation.

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