Credential Sequence Management

For Wavelynx Standard Encrypted Credentials


Participants in this program will be ensured a unique credential badge range and sequencing on every order. Wavelynx is making this service available to Integrators and End Users who wish to have Wavelynx manage their badge number sequence on standard credentials.


STEP 1: Purchase a part number through one of our participating OEM Partners
STEP 2: Choose a part number from the list below
STEP 3: Provide your unique NS code on the card order form

Following completion, integrators will receive a unique company badge format and rely upon Wavelynx to manage the number sequence.

End Users

STEP 1: Purchase a part number through one of our participating OEM Partners
STEP 2: Choose a part number from the list below
STEP 3: Provide your unique NS code on the card order form

Wavelynx will guarantee that unique card numbers are shipped in sequence regardless of the number of bits or the bit format when ordered with the assigned NS code.

Details: The client must standardize on a single bit format specific to that client (Bit Format Sheet). If the chosen bit format contains a FC, this must remain consistent with each order. Customer will receive a unique Number Sequence (NS) Code which must be included on the Credential Order Form when ordering cards or fobs. Wavelynx will ensure unique credential badge range and sequencing on every order regardless of which OEM partner the order is placed through.

Part Numbers:


LEAF.h4 (4 Kbyte) ISO Card

LEAF.h8 (8 Kbyte) ISO Card

LEAF.h8 (8 Kbyte)ISO Card w/ Mag Stripe

LEAF.h8 (8 Kbyte) Key Fob

Credentialswith NumberSequenceTracking







LEAF Multitech

LEAF.h4 (4 Kbyte) + Prox ISO Card

LEAF.h8 (8 Kbyte) + Prox ISO Card



These part numbers are to be used on purchase orders for standard credentials with Credential Sequence Management. The unique Number Sequence “NS” Code must be referenced on the Credential Order Form.

Program Enrollment

To enroll in this program please submit the application on this page, contact your Wavelynx salesperson directly, or email to receive a unique Number Sequence (NS) Code.

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