Built with NXP MIFARE DESFire technology + LEAF compatibility
Our full line of smart credentials are built with NXP MIFARE DESFire technology. They come with factory programming, including standard off-the-shelf and custom encryption keys, standard and unique bit formats, choice of facility codes, and badge ID ranges to tailor credentials to meet your specific needs.
Credential Sequence Management provides participants a unique credential badge range and sequencing on every order. OEM Partners, Integrators, and End Users are eligible to participate in this new program (for Standard Keysets).
Wavelynx is a founding partner of LEAF, an industry initiative devised by product manufacturers who evangelize open standards for credentials.
These LEAF partners have defined a credential which is highly secure, openly sourced, and totally interoperable with unlimited devices or applications which may reside in a project ecosystem.
As part of our portfolio, we offer customers the ability to own a unique LEAF Cc (Custom-crypto) keyset which comes with lifetime support for Key Management. The purpose of a LEAF solution is to break the chains otherwise established by credential manufacturers with proprietary business models.